I've never done anything mistake in RuneScape : 0xbt

I've never done anything mistake in RuneScape

The issue is that I've never before botted and osrs fire cape service I will not do it ever again. It is difficult to sustain the game's economy. Since I will be doing 99 wood cutting and my only job is to cut wood. My thinking is that they could consider me bots.

This is utter nonsense. I shouldn't be exiled for a single ability. It's really frightening me that I've put in hours of my time playing this game only to be removed from the game. My account could be compromised, but that appears unlikely. I have made an appeal. What time do they need to respond? What happens do I do if they decide to decide to ban me?

I've never done anything mistake in the game, and I'm so angry to see them ban me. However, when I searched for proof there was no evidence! They did not just ban me, but they also did it without any evidence. My computer is in such a state that I'm thinking of smashing it right now. I'm sorry for starting this kind of a rant however, please inform me of the time frame to appeal. This has completely made my day miserable.

The sole reason to use evidence for chat-related violations is to establish guilt. Therefore, it's not surprise that they didn't offer any evidence. It's unfortunate that you were banned, even when you did nothing. Jagex did you do something to appear poor? Some people have been barred from working as temp workers because they spend more than 10 hours a day in firemaking classes I've been told. It is possible that you've accidentally made clicking patterns while you were cutting wood during your woodcutting session which confused Jagex's Anti-Bot technology.

Have you ever purchased or traded any gold? Jagex could refer to the former in the event that buy runescape 3 gold you were prohibited from using macros, or gold farming.