You'll need to make 8,484 Yew Longbows : 0xbt
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You'll need to make 8,484 Yew Longbows

    By FryeJacob

    You'll need to make 8,484 Yew Longbows if you decide to keep them. If you are looking to upgrade to Magic Shortbows, you will need to OSRS gold make 7,620. That's it! I'd like to do something else for a while perhaps alchemy or sell all those bows you made just to purchase something new or learn new abilities. Only serious fletchers can continue to go on past this point.

    Level 85-99. 53,420 magic longbows are required if you really want to reach level 99. It's not easy however it is doable. It's possible. It could earn millions of dollars if would like it to.

    99. Congrats! Congratulations! This is extracted from the runescape.salmoneus website. I have 50 fletching BTW.

    Don't get caught up in buy RuneScape Mobile gold the other things. The ruddy bar takes about 4 minutes to refill and I would not be relying on it. The weapon you have currently is fine if you aren't into combat. If you're interested in combat and fighting, then the sword offers a few basic advantages.

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