Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game developed and published by Animal Crossing Items Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. It is a social simulation game where the player moves to a deserted island and sets about developing it the way they want. The game was first released in 2020 and soon became one of the best selling video-games in history.
The game’s popularity gave rise to a range of fan creations like a talk show, special .
merchandise, and a trading website. Aya Kyogoku, the game’s director, incorporated elements from older versions while keeping it simple enough to follow for new players. After the player’s get the bare essentials from Tom Nook, they are given open access to natural resources and can build the village as per their vision. Using Nook Miles, the players can also venture into new territories and utilize the resources found there. The game depends on seasonal changes and often receives new updates, items, and features based around this. Previously, seasonal updates were provided for Nature Day, May Day, Halloween, and Toy Day. During LOLGA.COM each update, the village changes in look and color, and Nintendo offers themed items for the duration.
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