It was crucial that they stayed true to the Diablo experience : 0xbt
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It was crucial that they stayed true to the Diablo experience

With these aspects at hand, Wilson sketched out his vision of what Wilson and his team intended to achieve with D2R ladder items. It was crucial that they stayed true to the Diablo experience. "We were looking for a game in which, the players who played it they basically said, 'Yeah it feels right.'"

The design director stated that it was crucial that the game experience felt visceral to ensure that each and every moment was intense and meaningful. It was also crucial for the Blizzard team to broaden the RPG experience, without shifting the player's attention away from the game's hack-andslash origins.

Importantly, Wilson said that the Diablo team has created a variety of innovative systems that provide the game with an RPG-like feel, such as the rune system discussed in this morning's meeting, but Wilson added that it's "something to be discussed in the coming months...and in the future."

To return to staying true the original Diablo, Wilson noted that replayability was an essential element that made the game. Randomness is a key element in making an replayable RPG, the lead designer said, noting that environments including monster encounters, locations, and items all play into this notion. However, it's not the only way to instill a game with replayability, though, as Wilson has also mentioned high difficulty settings ("we intend to bring back hell and nightmare challenges") and also in staged events, or adventures.

Also , in the spirit Diablo epic heroes were deemed to be essential for Diablo. "We would like to have as many monsters onscreen as feasible, and then make extremely powerful people that smash them into the dirt," said Wilson, and eliciting a cheer in the crowd buy diablo II resurrected items. Like Diablo prior to it, Diablo will focus on some classes that play very differently from each other.