Personally, I'd suggest the Karamja dungeonthat is situated in the Tz-Haar region. There are a myriad of possibilities for this If you want to, you could attack them right there RS 2007 Fire Cape, using a regular weapon, food, and a bunyip if you can. Also, you can halberd them from a safe place, or use range from a secure location, making it food free.
Or there's the option of a cannon you could try as a stand-alone item, or in combination with all among the options above. Of it's true that there are other areasto consider, though I'd advise this particular area without hesitation. I've noticed that the title reads greaters, but the post refers to less.
If your task is superior, then my main choice is the brimhaven dungeon. It is possible to use any of the above options, though you have to fight the terror dogs too. There's not a number of great options for bigger dogs (no implied) But you have to keep going if it is those.
Take a trip to Lunar Isle and use the pure essence on the altar until you're proficient, then sell the runes on the Great Exchange, repeat. When you've reached the 82nd runecrafting, you will be able to craft two runes per one essence, thereby increasing your profits by twofold OSRS Gold For Sale. Astral Rune is required for Dream Mentor quest.
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