Now we are in the summer days of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. As the fish changes, beetles emerge from the trees, and the young spring bamboo gives way to blue summer shells to rinse on the beach. These are the new seasonal production elements in the game, used to make a series of ocean-themed DIY recipes, you can use them to decorate your house, island and yourself, so that C.J. is proud.
You will get these recipes just like the young Chunzhu. Isabelle will provide the recipe for the shell wreath in the morning notice, but it is unclear how it is triggered, so you must wait patiently. In addition, balloons will be your best choice. You have to wait until autumn to collect them, so I will not pay too much for it. If you feel exhausted, you can always try the Animal Crossing Bells and Animal Crossing Nook miles Ticket collected before the time runs out.
Here are all the recipes you can find:
Shell wreath
Shellfish Po fish
Shell Wand
Xingsha Floor
Tropical scenery
Underwater floor
Underwater wall
Water floor
There are many walls and floors in this scene, and I believe that the "Underwater" scene is even one of the first trailers to appear in the game, with new dynamic floors and walls to amaze the audience. I might consider a home aquarium with them.
Getting summer shells is not exactly what you need to grind: they will randomly spawn on your beach, and if you spend some effort picking them up, you will get more. Therefore, you can visit the beach from time to time, and then pick up what you see: If you want to make these recipes, you also need Nook miles Ticket and other types of shells, so please consider establishing a moderate inventory. In addition, you can enjoy the summer sun and see if you can catch sharks there. When we quit the initial fascination of the event, the situation of many people in this game is slowing down, but for some people, this is where the game really shines.
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