The Horseman's Steed was also a part of that : 0xbt
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The Horseman's Steed was also a part of that

Guild needs me as Boomkin currently and WOW Classic TBC Gold into the foreseeable future, so I'm working on putting together my Boomie set (was focused on Resto prior and this set was a LOT closer to what I was hoping to get it). What I have is a combination of heroic drops, raid discards, and reputation purchases. This is something I'm constantly feeling when it comes to H SP. The other groups are "EYE RESERVED". Yes, I realize that I'm late but it's not likely that I'll ever make it there at this pace.


When you reach the level 70, you'll gain the glaives. You can then go through many repetitive daily quests/dungeons/battlegrounds along with weekly Kara runs to increase the strength of your warglaives as time goes on. When BT launches, a catch-up mechanic is added which tracks all players' progress up to the level at which you've ground the entire expansion.


The Horseman's Steed was also a part of that. However, it wasn't available for Halloween, it was a very scarce release. The Horseman's Steed is my favorite since I'm not a fan the Horse with Wings models. The Legion Paladin charger is one of the only horse-like mounts that does not use the Winged Horse model (the Wind Steed is another option but may not match the aesthetics that you're hoping for)).


It's because you didn't take any action to earn them during the game. It is possible to get the top mount in the game with a credit card, or buy WOW TBC Classic Gold invest a few hundred hours of your life working towards another bird that has been recolored. Effort and reward; the stores mounts will make other mounts unworth the effort since they require so much more while you'll get much less


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