He Says He Had Been Amazed : 0xbt

He Says He Had Been Amazed

    By Kingang

    I applaud your devotion and like that RS gold you ask people for opinions. Great do not hear the hater below and iniative. Your voice can be a bit monotone, it's a lot better though. I don't really like slideshows. At times the videos are just you studying the text onto the screen (e.g. useful stuff when training skill X to 99). I'd rather have a listing that you don't elaborate on, or determine that items are helpful in which instances (e.g. when should I use a scrimshaw of vampirism? I know it exists, can it be worth investing in as a low level RuneScape player?) I am still fighting to find a decent. There is some stuff, but I find it quite hard to determine what to prioritize, which directors are great, how to fight some supervisors, the way to utilize the pvm hub/max guild, etc..

    Case in point: people say kril is easy. I'm struggling to stay more than 20 minutes? Why? What's the difference? It seems like a great deal of guides are aimed at RuneScape players with heaps of money/gear. I'm just starting out and lots of the guides are unsuitable for me. Maybe a series that focusses on bosses for level RuneScape players helps? I remember some folks saying I ought to have the ability to kill krill prior to his prayer? How??? What order, what abilities, is the hub used by me? Adrenaline crystals? Other items? A good deal of manuals assume this is some kind of knowledge for pvmers, well guess what, I am watching your guides since I don't have that history go deeper to the basics? It can be skipped by people, but I just don't have any clue. Even a simple link to some fundamentals of pvm manual would suffice for me.

    This is not tons of other YouTubers also focus too much on maxed RuneScape players. For instance, not a single bossing guide I watched mentioned the pvm hub. Sometimes it feels I'm better than seeing a YouTube guide, off requesting my clanmates. This could be because runescape updates often and videos become obsolete. It turns me off, although that is not your fault. Sorry for the wall of text and the character that is rant-y. I hope you can take something away from this.

    Old fashioned or new runescape?

    27m here, I was ADDICTED to buy 2107 runescape gold about 15 decades back. I think hundreds if not thousands of hours've sank to RuneScape. I recently stumbled upon the official old-school runescape website and it made me feel nostalgic. I am just wonderingare there now two versions of Runescape? New & old? Are both still being updated? There is OSRS and RS3. OSRS is an upgraded version of RuneScape (starting with all the 2007-version) that doesn't incorporate the brand new combat system and images that came out with the Evolution of Combat. It's nearer to the memories you have of Runescape. RS3 is your principal sport that's been upgraded over time. Combat is lively and images are quality. In comparison to OSRS, RS3 combat is similar to World of Warcraft in that you use as you struggle.