Edge Over Timed Without A Meter : 0xbt

Edge Over Timed Without A Meter

    By Kingang

    Why Kobe looks strange in the trailer? It is blasphemy. In 2k13 demonstration you can play online NBA 2K Coins games, as many as you desire. Now consider this shit. Yesterday the game starts. 1st quarter 4:30 moments or something. I made a turnover and my whole team was chilly lol. This sounds precisely like the last 2k demo. Gonna imagine it's the same game. No thanks. Seriously why isnt it the something or leaves. The shooter meter is so tiny, u can't see shit with it. And they want us to"aim" with it. I see nothing but reality for a minute I thought I was crap stamina non-existent. Why is shooting with the stick so weird now?

    Let us be true 2K21 gont be weak as 2K20 on PS5

    Half of the games problems are easily observed using a couple quickplay games. (I really do enjoy the updated archetypes base skills tho.) It is not that hard. Literally. That is pretty much just MyCareer in general if you do not buy VC.

    Frankly, MyCareer is unplayable in case you don't cover to improve your stats. But you have max stats and badges at the demonstration. I will be honest, employing the shot stick isn't as awful as I think folks are making it out. Then again, it is actually unusable for FT's. I actually find it easier to work with on the FT. To add to that, I still have not figured out how to do the negative hop to a shooter with the rod alone. This can only be achieved using the button it seems. Unless I'm doing something wrong.

    What I am doing: Holding R2, moving right with my Left rod, while holding down R2 I flick the Right pole down, which makes him do that hop back/side, and try to continue to hold down Proper stick to shoot with the target mechanic but he never continuously shoots. He pauses after the jump. Employing the button all you've got to do is hold down R2, go right with the Left pole hit square to do the hop and then press and hold square for the shooter.

    NBA 2K21 Demo (Download Links, General Discussion, Feedback)

    Notice any bugs? Have thoughtful comments? Reply here. I'll treat this as 2K21 Feedback/Wishlist Thread 0. Just downloaded, I assume they are just recycling commentary from 2k20? Cause if I must listen to the exact same stuff it's a legit deal breaker for me. I can't believe they left pogo stick and intimidator. I also played with the all star Lakers team which wasn't Kobe. I know that it's a demo, so perhaps the Buy NBA 2K21 MT game will probably be more realistic and they'll have new commentary.