There are games : 0xbt

There are games

The spread of Corrupted Blood, and classic wow gold also the player's behavioral changes to this, captured the attention of epidemiologist Dr. Nina Fefferman, who had been a World of Warcraft player in the time of this incident. Fefferman reached out to her colleague Dr. Eric Lofgren. In 2007, both released a paper that detailed their findings, including complex models of human behaviour during a pandemic. Fefferman claims the episode has helped inform her current research into predictive modeling about covid-19.

"What I really do is research all of the elements of infectious disease outbreaks which help us prepare for pandemics," explained Fefferman, a mathematical biologist. "We really saw the full gamut of behaviors we find in the real world reflected in the player characters throughout Corrupted Blood."

Dr. Dmitri Williams, an associate professor in USC who was also playing World of Warcraft during the Corrupted Blood incident, questions if Fefferman's findings are legitimate mirrors to real-life behavior.

"There are games where you are invited to cheap wow gold classic behave in a way that you would never behave offline," Williams stated. "You must know [the sport ], play it and understand the culture so that you can make these kind of determinations that, yeah, this is a pretty good proxy"