I'm super excited today : 0xbt

I'm super excited today


For Kamil, the senior dev on the group now running the show, he says he's eager to EVE Mobile ISK see things move forward.

"In terms of the future, where I see us moving - I'm super excited today that Jessica is onboard that actually opens up a lot of opportunities for us. There is just so much that you can do with two individuals on theteam. An extra individual who brings a lot of experience and skill gives us the opportunity as well to pursue all the different projects we wanted to perform for a year in terms of engaging more with all our gamers.

Interview With EVE Online's Hilmar Pétursson Reveals Details About Seasonal Changes

"Absolutely, it's the long-term vision. I mean, we have been required to employ some manual intervention to get the thing going and simply to collect data on where the boundaries are -- The blackout, the drifters, the wormhole relations, all the things we've been doing."

The Blackout was of course touched as well, with Hilmar coming away satisfied with how it had been conducted, and the learnings the group was able to come off with,"It was a excellent experiment to understand what a fantastic duration would be, and in this situation it was too long. We added really nothing to Cheap EVE Echoes ISK our knowledge about it following day 40, 66 days was too long"