I see us moving : 0xbt

I see us moving


All in all, it feels as though the community team is at a stellar location to EVE Echoes ISK make a gap in EVE, even compared to even just annually.

For my part, just interviewing the team (as ill as I was that day too ), things bode well for the future of EVE. Each member brings passion and their own flair into the neighborhood team, something they every will leverage to produce all of New Eden better. Since New Eden goes through a rebirth of sorts with much more engagement, new upgrades and the looming threat of this Triglavian invasion throwing the power balance into chaos with Eclipse, EVE Online feels like it is in good hands.

For Kamil, the senior dev on the group now running the show, he says he is eager to see things move forward.

"In terms of the long run, where I see us moving - I'm super excited now that Jessica is onboard that really opens up a great deal of opportunities for us. There is only so much you can do with two people on theteam. An extra individual who brings a lot of expertise and ability gives us the chance as well to pursue all the different projects that we wanted to Buy EVE Echoes Items do to get a year in terms of engaging more with all our gamers.