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The Essentialist is a type of class that is focused with CC (crowd-control), his kit contains a number of methods to stun Lost Ark Gold, slow down and generally manage the crowd of opponents. While fighting, he accumulates Chakras which allow him to unlock Esoteric capabilities that allow him to deal the ability to deal a lot of damage.

He is also very mobile, making this one of best classes in PvP with his main goal being to be disruptive to healers and his DPS on the enemy team. However, he's got low defense stats and relies heavily on his passive for effectiveness and is a bit weak in the PvE arena.

The Elementists also are a group with plenty of mobility. In contrast to Essentialists they perform well as DPS because of Lost Ark Amethyst Shard Merchant Guide: Amethyst Shards, Locations and other items

Within Lost Ark, the Amethyst Shard Merchant is an item that many players seem to be thinking about at the moment now that the MMOARPG will be released on the eve of North America, Latin America and Europe for those that own one of the four Founder's Packs available with the game.

To those who are looking to cash in those extremely valuable Amethyst Shards, here's a explanation of how you can get Amethyst Shards Lost Ark Power leveling, where the Amethyst Shard Merchant is and what they are selling to customers in Lost Ark.