After spending 100 Fury, gain 84% increased damage on your next Weapon Mastery This doubles your Death Blow damage after about three Upheavals D2R Items. Put it on a weapon.
Distant enemies have an 8% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you. 80% damage increase to stunned enemies Easily the most important skill that rocketed this build into the stratosphere. The distant enemy thing isn’t important, the 80% damage increase to stunned enemies is key. This % is highest when on your 2-hand bludgeoner.
Damaging an elite enemy gives you a barrier that absorbs (a crap ton) of damage Easily my best defensive skill for this. The barrier I’m getting when I put this affix on my amulet is triple my actual life. I have other defensive skills like life regen when enemies are near as well.
Past these ones, the other skills are variable, and I am still experimenting with them. A few are about getting Fury on core hits and things like that, or extending Berserk, and dealing DoT with Berserk damage. But there are better options, probably. Still working on it.
The combo is essentially stacking all of these:
Make enemy vulnerable with Upheaval after an initial Death Blow
Double damage of Death Blow with fury spend
Save a Death Blow for when cheap D2R ladder items enemies are stunned (you have about four ways to stun enemies)
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