Is there some way to play PSO2 if this message pops up? : 0xbt

Is there some way to play PSO2 if this message pops up?

    By MMOruki

    If you go to PSO2 Meseta your Windows Settings, then System, and go to About in the bottom, what exactly does it say underneath Device Specifications? The Processor and System Type lines is going to be the most significant. Also related to understand. Same display of Settings -> System -> Around, but this time under Device Specifications, assess if the System Type is recorded as 32 or 64-bit operating system. PSO2 includes a 64-bit Running System requirement. Being it's a laptop, there is a chance it is only 32-bit. If that is true, you'll want to update it into 64-bit. This is completely free so long as you've got a legitimate Windows license.

    Ah, I recalled the details wrongly. Win10 never needed a client purchaseable 32-bit version. You could never do a new install of windows 32 piece as a customer. SEgA should really concentrate on their perishing, 8 year-old source codes in the lanucher rather than making an entirely new fucking game.

    Pretty much what pika stated, the ms store requires up to date windows to function properly and is one of my most important issues with it (apart from uac locking down folders). Recommend the steam variant to get less headaches. Sounds like you've got the latest version. . .sorry, I was hoping that it would give advice, possibly an outdated version or something like this, however, the issue obviously does not come in the OS variant itself.

    Not like they can do considerably; Social Media, Ingame GMs, Promotion, Client Support, Site are all handled by a different team who can only hope that those managing the actual server and developing articles, SEGA of Japan, listen to the complaints. I just hope that people don't become complacent due to that response and think everything will be fine when they don't voice their complaints. Its the exact same"We are listening" response I got when telling them about the forums to not release the SG scratch as it's (if the SG scratch recycle store rolled up), therefore I ai not really holding my breath.

    Not much will happen. I concur. There are numerous people who spent SG. Even if they had been to perform things like reduced the cost of SG per ticket -- how would they compensate everyone who has already spent their SG? They really should try to implement more ways to gain SG. The executing more ways to obtain SG is definitely what they will need to do. If you look in JP, they have so many ways to obtain SG. An additional thing which they could do is prolong the duration of the scratch to 6 weeks, or better yet, one that one finishes, launch the original two scratches it was made from concurrently and for 6 weeks each. They could just refund the SG difference? They keep a record of every scrape you pull. All it would take is some simple arithmetic to figure out how much to buy meseta pso2 reimburse people, if they opt to lower the price.