As you could imagine that there are lots of people who are frustrated by this particular event. People are trying to find people who want to get into at the auction houses in the stormy country and WoTLK Classic Gold aren't able to accomplish this. There are also people who are just trying to play the game as normal.
The undead events the plague taking over Azarov has thrown the window of their lives. metaphorically speaking because of this. A lot of people have been on the forums, they've been to YouTube's comment sections and are everywhere discussing the undead plague that is sweeping through Azarov. is a huge horsehit.
What's more, Blizzard must disable it since it is causing havoc to the game. This is the reason that has created the division, because there's many people who believe that the undead plague event is an excellent mood-setting event that creates the atmosphere that comes with Wrath of the Lich King.
The fun is sure to be had when the expansion is released with its uniqueness. On the other side from the other side, there are those who complain that the event is too intrusive, disrupts the game too much and so on and on. The interesting thing is that for us who played Wrath of the Lich King way back when that's exactly what the players and community members felt about the undead scourge event many years ago.
There were a lot of people who loved it and now look back with great fondness. There are those who disliked it and believed it was the worst idea that Blizzard ever considered cheap WoTLK Gold. It's similar to bringing back the old wrathful vibes. What do I mean? For someone like me who played in the past. Maybe you too I'm not sure.
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