What makes husk aspirator with air traps setting so difficult? (1) Efficient husk aspiration on top of the sieve can only be achieved when the huller discharge is equally distributed over the full width of the sieve. (2) The thickness of the grain-husk layer should be constant because this determines the clearance between the top of the grain layer and the bottom of the air trap. Through this clearance the air is sucked into the air trap, lifting the husks floating on top of the grain layer. (3) The airstream should be constant and not too strong; otherwise, grains will be lifted and discharged with the husks. (4) The distribution of the grain over the three, four, or five air traps on top of the paddy separator should be equal. (6) The airstream in these air traps should not be too strong to prevent the loss of grains with the husk discharge. (7) The efficiency of the air trap system strongly depends on the moisture content of the grain and the throughput capacity of the mill. The adjustment is different at low capacity than at full capacity.
The grain passes out of the blast of the separator into the smutter, F, and passes through the machine, discharging the screenings at the angle in the enlarged spout, G. This machine makes five distinct separations First, The hoads, sticks, over the riddle. Second, Screenings from the first blast, which are the lightest, and before the grain passes to the smutter. Third, The dust. Fourth, Screeni ngs from the second blast of the separator, after t!le smutter. These last screenings are free from dust, and in a good condition to grind for feed or otherwise.
The paddy separator is mainly used for cleaning paddy. Offered separator manufactured using optimum quality raw material and latest technology by our skilled professionals. Besides, this separator is made available in various specifications. This separator is highly appreciated among our clients for its precise design and durability. We provide this separator at very competitive price to our clients.
paddy husker is mainly used for hulling rice and separating the husk from the mixture of rice and paddy by blower fan. Gearbox makes the switch over between slow and quick rollers in turn and can be simultaneously finished without needing to dismantle the device. Hanging upper ram equips tight roller and has good damping performance. Operation and use are very convenient.
China-zjlg has 20 years of experience in this field. We know what you want, welcome to leave a message.
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