The ordinary player who downloaded EE since : 0xbt

The ordinary player who downloaded EE since

    By Kingang

    I would need to agree as well. I attempted Eve Online 10+ years ago and just could not get into it after a couple of days. However, the battle EVE Mobile ISK and development fits perfectly to get a mobile game IMO. I am currently in a large corp and have experienced huge PVP battles with no delays/lag. Hi alliance mate!Hiya, which corporation are you currently in? I'd like to use to join:-RRB- Currently I have a Caracal Navy and have been solo-ing T8 narrative missions and doing T9/T10 ratting.

    I'm in a strictly indy corp, therefore I guess it'd be a bad match for you.We're a part of the Golden horde alliance though and you're able to find representatives from us and many other corps in the pinned recruiting mega thread on this very subreddit!Okay no problems, thank you for the answer. I will take a look and join one of the Golden Horde Alliance member corps.

    Definitely agree. Tech level takes time. Cash will help accelerate things a bit, but nobody (as far as I could tell) can get stupid strong overnight.If they control more, I hope it is for skins, laser colours, ship emblems, or stuff like this rather than Cheap EVE Mobile ISK super lasers and lightspeed missiles.When that I have a couple hours to kill, theres plenty to fill that moment. If I am doing dishes, I can just mlm one in large sec. If I just have a couple of mlm moments, I will do the non-combat encounters. Its fits well into whatever level of free time I have and still feels as though I am making progress.