I would suggest something that does not degrade : 0xbt

I would suggest something that does not degrade

    By Kingang

    Means I am only about the purchase 99 woodcutting I'm sick of doing stuff, so I'm likely going to do a little bit of pvp associated mini-OSRS gold games. Much like clan wars. Or I could do some exploration and money making, together with some training every once and a while. So I'm going insane from woodcutting for months on end. Nothing better to do after grinding afterward to kill off each other.

    I am aware that the ss is suggested for training, but the bgs is more for supervisors and pking. So I am guessing this will turn to the ss, but just like I said I haven't posted in some time and needed a justification to post again:D And probably with my levels not being over 80 this will go to ss . however, it will not hurt to begin a conversation. Once I get the past 100k exp at woodcutting that I will make some money in blue dragons with the whip for a small while. Thanks, and in case you have a different suggestion of weapon just tell me.

    I think you should always train with Rs 3 gold slayer, it shouldn't take too much time to get 70 whatsoever; maybe a couple of days depending on the length of time you perform every day. A fantastic set-up for slayer that's fairly cheap would be to use - Slayer Helm or even Neitznot (sp?)