ESB Gold is laughable how little time : 0xbt

ESB Gold is laughable how little time

    By Fogingsam


    ESB Gold is laughable how little time, money and care Bethesda invests in their names. Howard is as cool as he desires too amongst still loyal fans but the reputation of the company was damaged almost beyond repair. If The Elder Scrolls 6 is anything besides"match of the year" caliber they won't ever recover. Cant believe how they chose to self destruct over a fast cash grab. Now this isn't Howards fault of course. Had fo76 never arrived I might have preordered a 1,000$ version of this Elder Scrolls 6. Now though I will wait months after its established before I buy it.

    I'm looking forward to it as well... either they will do a great (or passable) job (As an The Elder Scrolls fan, I would probably take a mediocre product at least until I get bored of this grind when the problem becomes slanted toward an excessive amount of monetization)... OR it's dreadful and we can all laugh at their face for not cleaning their act up after The Elder Scrolls.It'll be open season on all additional Bethesda products if the following two matches they ship are awful. The Bethesda community is forgiving, but most people are smart enough to understand when we've been scammed. Horse Armor was a laughing stock, '' The Elder Scrolls was a scam (and inarguable FAILURE) and Blades is now their last opportunity to preserve fan good will toward any effort at recurrent monetization for the subsequent 10 years.

    ESO Boosting do themselves a disservice by calling it"The Elder Scrolls". They could say"don't expect a conventional The Elder Scrolls encounter" all they want, but there's just an expectation that comes along with the licence. But they can not just call it something fresh, then it wouldn't have the brand recognition of this Elder Scrolls, that is understandable. I am looking ahead to see whether it is a quality product. Fallout shelter proved to be a unique experience that match together with the eyebrow and tongue side of Fallout, so I hope they could replicate their success with The Elder Scrolls blades.