He was impressed with the costumed science fiction and fantasy fans whom he saw : 0xbt

He was impressed with the costumed science fiction and fantasy fans whom he saw

    By ccosplayA

    He was impressed with the costumed science fiction and fantasy fans whom he saw, especially those competing in the masquerade (Bruno 2002a). Captain America Costume     Consequently, when he returned to Japan and wrote about his experiences at the convention, he focused on the costumed fans and the masquerade. CCosplay   One side speculates that cos-play began in North America, during the 1960s, when people dressed as and role-played their favorite science fiction and fantasy characters, such as Spock from Star Trek and Robin from Batman (Bruno 2002a). This type of costumed role-playing (not yet called cosplay) spanned a variety of genres and may have inspired Japanese anime and manga fans to dress as their favorite characters.