Publish dates=2019-01-26 authors=Voodoo Review=So I love games by Voodoo in general, but this one missed the mark. The concept is great and it’s entertaining for a time, but what lost the game 2 stars for me is because you REPEAT TRACKS CONSTANTLY. To me, if you have levels in a game, none of them should be the same. But I find my self over and over, not just once or twice but many times, being on a higher level but the track is the same one from like level 4,12,25, and 37; it just repeats and that gets SUPER boring SUPER fast. It’s like they wanted to get another game out there but didn’t spend the time necessary to make it sustainable. If they revamped it and made each level unique, I could play this game forever. Keeping customers entertained is the most important thing for your game to accomplish. I wish I could give it 2 1/2 stars because it doesn’t quite deserve 2 but it doesn’t deserve 3 either Version=1.0.1 Minor bug fixes user ratings=4,7 / 5 stars Purchase=No Ads.
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