You would need to gather your own summoning supplies : 0xbt

You would need to gather your own summoning supplies

    By Weismart

    This is from my idea on OSRS gold the Official R.S. forums. Please encourage here and there. I thing it'd rather cool to be living off the property, employing the skills you learned as a newcomer, where would the pickaxes spawn? Where could I get the supplies for a specific quest? Even if your 99 in a skill, everyone would be surivivng off of what jagex had to offer.

    You would need to gather your own summoning supplies, besides the things that you purchase in the summoning dude. You could gather with different buddies, probably a clan, and all of them are able to use their particular strengths to have a kind of camp, where all your friends thrive at a pvp world. I'm very very open to other thoughts. Please provide some more ideas...

    Large groups, largely a clan, or a group of friends. Will join with cooks and stuff, and essentially make there team grow till they could actually make a dent in the society, which is starting form scratch in these worlds (by scratch I mean like individuals being royalty, or the economy on these isolated worlds growing based on participant influence).

    Campfires could be created almost everywhere a flame is burning, since that probably means that there is a group with jobs in it. If someone were dying, they might go looking for a campfire. Hmmmm... kill the members of the campfire, or exchange and barter for food? This would be your choice (weather shifting is something to buy RuneScape gold not suggest but just in case).