Hack patch diep.io creators Miniclip.com free online for apple ipad ios : 0xbt
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Hack patch diep.io creators Miniclip.com free online for apple ipad ios

    Jason Larson
    By Jason Larson

    online for apple ipad ios diep.io



    Author Miniclip.com diep.io hack


    Genre: Entertainment. Miniclip.com. Rating: 6901 votes. This game has potential, but I feel like it lags to much and I don’t know if that’s just me but I always have good connection and have never had a problem with connection but this one game. A few bugs that happen when I play is that when I move my character it doesn’t register that my character is moving so I can’t play, another is that my upgrades won’t pop up sometimes, and another is that when I try clicking on a upgrade it doesn’t seem to add it sometimes. I recommend that you should add a online option to play with other players, and a offline option to play with bots so you won’t always need connection to play. Overall the game is fun and I recommend that it’s a game to play when your looking for a game on your phone to pass the time. I hope you understand where I’m coming from on this and know that I’m not hating on your game but just pointing out some minor bugs and things that could improve the game. English. Devices: ipad.

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