Language English Dungeon Boss hack tool
Version=0.5.11032 Review=Battle to be the Boss in this turn based, strategy RPG! Collect and build teams of powerful fantasy heroes, upgrade their unique abilities to battle epic bosses, and defend your Dungeon from raids! size=204299 kB review=Ever since the honor and VIP Summons were removed, I have found it very hard to get hero tokens. For me, this would not be a problem if the star cap on ascensions was removed. Back around October maybe (2018)I temporarily took a break from Dungeon Boss. When I came back, it had changed a lot. A lot of people ascended before the star cap and got very powerful max-ascended heroes because of that. I would give it five stars if you were able to work out something to help people who did not max ascend their heroes before the star cap on ascensions. Keep in mind, I do not mean removing it entirely. For example, instead of needing 5 stars to max ascend a legendary hero, maybe drop it to 4. You could also bring back the honor summon so that it would be easier to get certain heroes. Another thing I think you should do is add more things to the honor shop. Maybe be able to trade 2,000 honor points for one heroic summon. You should also put hero tokens in the pwn and honor shops. Other than that, I really don’t have any other problems with this game. It’s a great game that just needs some small adjustments Italian Devices=Apple Ipad Version Notes=- Fixed several bugs and improved game stability.
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