Pixel Gun 3D: Battle Royale hack
Ipod. size - 1324343296 b. Chest with Gems. publisher - Cubic Games. liked It - 507812 Review. Language - English. Reviews - I don’t know if you guys know this, but I got this game when it first came out! But the coins and gems, are so expensive and I’d like to know if they are ever going to change that and if so, please let me know, because this game doesn’t give you much for what you earn when you level up and I know this game from the back of my head, but some things are glitchy, like when your friends are on, it shows they aren’t on, and they even invited you to fight, it still says their offline, i don’t know if that’s a glitch, but I do know they have to fix it though, and another thing, some people and I agree with them, they say that this game and the trophies are really unfair, and I totally agree with them, you lose 30+ trophies when you lose, and when your team is bad and you are so close or your the best one , like the top 3, shouldn’t lose trophies, and they need to work on balancing the teams out, like it’s so unfair and when you win, and your like 4th or something, you only get 25-, and that’s BS, because they still did something, they should get around 30 ish, and the top 3, should get 40+, and my trophies get taken away or “robbed” and I never make it to the list, why is that??? One more request, please fix this to old times where the guns weren’t that expensive, and if you can, add the helmet armor, and I hope this review wasn’t to long!!!! Just please fix the things I wrote in!!!!!!!
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