Allegedly, Path of Exile 2 will be added to Path of Exile : 0xbt
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Allegedly, Path of Exile 2 will be added to Path of Exile

At ExileCon, the annual conference of Grinding Gear Game for all fans of Path of Exile, developers revealed some new projects related to their long-running action RPG. The first is "Path of Exile 2", which is not exactly a sequel to Path of Exile, but an improvement that includes a new seven-act scenario. Currently, it is not launched separately from the Path of Exile game but is included as an update to the POE. Regarding POE Currency, it can be used as a gold coin in the Path of Exile 2. For players, the best option is to buy it at MMOAH.

As someone who has only seen Path of Exile from a distance, I must not claim that I have an expert or novice knowledge of the title. Kevin Murnane has a better record of what it means in Forbes. However, the general point I get is that Path of Exile is a bit like the idea of ​​"putting down the tracks in front of a train". Grinding Gear introduced some features 6 years ago, and added and improved them, but over time, they have also seen how to improve the system as a whole. Instead of completely abandoning Path of Exile and launching a separate game (thus potentially destroying/dividing their player base), they are developing a game that is parallel to the first game and reaches the same endpoint.

Over the years, we had hoped to make any changes to Path of Exile, but we couldn't change them because they would break existing roles. Path of Exile 2 is a large update that makes all these changes.

The background setting for this story is 20 years after the first game took place, but all existing content is available in Path of Exile 2 and all POE Exalted Orb you purchase will be retained. The release date of Path of Exile 2 has not yet been announced, but developers hope to release a beta version later next year.