To everyone's regret, not all brokers are reliable but. So in order to avoid "I can't accept or without my broker" situation you have to check every term and condition of this Forex broker you have picked. Little details .
You will never have to have a financier to participate in Forex transacting. You don't even have to be an expert in the currency market to by-pass the broking service. Can you be more successful trading with an agent on your side?
Second thing that I'd personally check in the broker is leverage possibilities. Just a reminder for those that forgot - leverage is sort of a loan. Say for example a leverage of 1:100 will turn your $1000 into $100,000.
To develop your own trading system will take a great deal of time, a period of time in knowledge. You need to have a good foundation yet another computer . have a process that is profitable, stable and sensible.
The value of a PIP is $7.86. If your forex broker executes your trade at an assortment of 4 PIPs the paying $31.44 for executing the trade whatever euphemism the broker happens to get using for 'commission'.