My Father, The Transsexual's blogs : 0xbt

My Father, The Transsexual's blogs

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My Father, The Transsexual

My Father, The Transsexual

Unfortunately, in teaching on the online (for-profit) environment, I found that a LOT of students copy word-for-word from web sites, and submit it as their own work. It embarrasses me a lot. Anyway, I still think women have it a lot harder than men. The beuaty myth brainwashes women from such a young age into believing they should look a certain way. All you have to do is make sure you don’t wear something eccentric or something that is way out of line. I make a difference between female worship and female supremacy. I'm sorry I'm just about as independent as anyone male or female and I'm not approaching NO MAN! No one is saying that your man is crazy, but he IS in the minority. And I'm going to finish by saying this, "Girls DO NOT have those privileges that some guys assumed we do". Again, I'm not saying that both genders are equally capable, say, physical strength.

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