How Riot Can Solve the Problem of Smurfing in League of Legends : 0xbt

How Riot Can Solve the Problem of Smurfing in League of Legends

Riot Games recently discussed their philosophy regarding smurf accounts and the difficulty of climbing the ladder intentionally. However, there is a simple change that could improve the League of Legends ranked ladder for everyone.

Riot's official support account sent out a tweet regarding the League of Legends ranked experience, causing much discussion. The issue is high elo players creating LoL Smurf Accounts, which ruins the game experience for others. Riot Games responded by making the process of leveling and ranking up new accounts more time-consuming, trying to incentivize players to stay on their mains. However, this has not solved the issue of smurfing and has made the ranked experience worse for everyone.

Many high elo players have legitimate reasons for having smurf accounts, such as getting into queues quickly, challenging themselves, or practicing new things without damaging their main account's MMR. Riot's solution to the issue of smurfing has not removed or improved any of these reasons.

To solve this problem, Riot Games could consider scaling LP gains based on in-game performance, similar to the system used in TFT. Currently, the LP gains and losses are determined by MMR compared to the rest of the players in the lobby and whether the player wins or loses.

However, not all wins and losses are created equal, and Riot Games could modify the formula for LP gains and losses to account for this by adding another factor based on performance. This could be determined using statistical indicators like objective and vision scores, rather than just KDA or CS/minute.

This system would benefit smurfs by allowing them to climb through the lower part of the ladder much quicker, as they would be one of the better-performing players with a lot of consistency, receiving massive LP gains. This could also factor into their MMR, getting it to climb more consistently.

While this system could lead to stat-whoring, Riot Games could use multiple data points to determine performance beyond KDA or CS/minute. The benefit of this system would be that it would improve the ranked experience for everyone and solve the problem of smurfing in League of Legends.

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