The TV star has kept her love life under the radar for the most part since splitting from her film producer ex husband Stephen. Stephen has reportedly demanded his child support figure increase to around £14,000 a month. Lottie showcased her toned figure in the tiny blue satin mini dress with a keyhole plunging neckline and puffed shoulders. Alex, 28, dated model Lottie for nine months before they split in 2018 over their busy work schedules. Mutual pals were left stunned when Jamie made the same mistake months later by starting a relationship with Sam Thompson’s ex Sophie 'Habbs' Habboo, 25, ultimately ending their friendship. A source revealed to MailOnline: 'Jamie and Lottie got together during a trip to LA last year. The outing came after it was revealed by MailOnline that Made In Chelsea lothario Jamie Laing, 30, enjoyed a brief relationship with Lottie during a trip to Los Angeles last year - despite her being co-star Alex’s former girlfriend. Despite the half century that has passed since the photograph taken outside Chichester Magistrates’ Court was splashed across the front pages of newspapers around the world, the two posturing youths on the steps are as recognisable today as then: Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.