He himself is legislation, range, evaluate, limit without restrict, conclude without conclusion, act without sort. He is not issue to any numerical law, or to any law of measure or order. Diverse dwelling matters depict diverse divinities and assorted powers, which, aside from the absolute currently being they have, get the being communicated to all items according to their ability and measure. 238 "Non tamquam merus advert sacerdotium gradus est existimandus, sed indelebile suo charactere ac praecipua sua gratia insignis ita locupletatur, ut qui ad ipsum vocentur, ii mysteriis Christi et Ecclesiae stabiliter inservire possint", Paul VI, Sacrum diaconatus, AAS fifty nine (1967): 698. "Diaconi missionem et gratiam Christi, modo speciali, participant. Ordinis sacramentum eos signat sigillo ('charactere') quod nemo delere potest et quod eos configurat Christo qui factus est 'diaconus', id est, omnium minister", CCE 1570. "Prout gradus Ordinis sacri, diaconatus characterem imprimit et specificam gratiam sacramentalem communicat. Character diaconalis est signum configurativum-distinctivum animae modo indelebili impressum", Ratio fundamentalis, seven. In the evaluate in which can. But in the Church of Christ, as an antithesis to this, the priestly character was imparted by the Holy Ghost in the Divinely-instituted Sacrament of Orders. 2) Ibid. In quite a few prior statements, in particular, range 33 of the Apostolic Letter Tertio millennio adveniente (TMA), the Pope has indicated to the Church the path ahead for purifying her memory pertaining to the faults of the previous and for giving an illustration of repentance to persons and civil societies.