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    • Connor Sander
      We contact this style CD 127.1 and with the W.U.P. substantial marking it has about a $2000 value in basic aqua and over $5000 for the rare blue shade shown. Oxalic acid is a trusted cleaning agent that totally removes rust and immediately adds...
      • Connor Sander
        Connor Sander published a blog post A Go To To The At&t Archives
        Please see my page on that company, and scroll down to the COMMENTS section see the reply by “Carol” exactly where information on whiskey bottle codes liquor permit markings is described. (Any comparable bottle with a “D-code” such as “D-9” or...
        • Connor Sander
          We get in touch with this style CD 127.1 and with the W.U.P. huge marking it has about a $2000 value in basic aqua and over $5000 for the rare blue shade shown. To remove rust from your glass insulator, mix one-aspect oxalic acid with one...
          • Connor Sander
            That’s what makes collecting insulators so interesting… all those rare experiments are out there. Then telephones took over and got well-liked, and there was the Rural Electrification Act, which attempted to supply energy to all these farm people....

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