Hunley : 0xbt


Telephone: 69 197 76 15

About me

My name is Edmund Hunley but everybody calls me Edmund.

I'm from Poland. I'm studying at the high school (2nd
year) and I play the Pedal Steel Guitar for 4 years.
Usually I choose music from the famous films :D.
I have two brothers. I love Auto racing, watching TV (Doctor Who) and Equestrianism.


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  • Earwax - All You Need To Know

    Earwax - All You Need To Know

    What are the signs of earwax? Plugs of cerumen (wax) prevent him from hearing accordingly and also cause a sensation of plugged ear that boosts after a hot shower and bath. Furthermore, the stress they exert on the

The Wire

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    • Hunley
      Hunley created the group Cleaning Cat Ears
      Keeping your cat's ears completely clean and parasite free is an essential component of owning a cat. This is particularly significant for cats that are allowed outdoors as the ears of theirs may become infested with ticks, top hearing supplements...
      • Hunley
        Hunley created the group Earwax - All You Need To Know
        What are the signs of earwax? Plugs of cerumen (wax) prevent him from hearing accordingly and also cause a sensation of plugged ear that boosts after a hot shower and bath. Furthermore, the stress they exert on the ear canal is able to lead to top...

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