Addiction Treatments Center : 0xbt

Addiction Treatments Center

Brief description: Learning how to help an addicted wife is the first step towards helping her recover from the cycle of substance abuse.
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Telephone: (800)-615-1067
Twitter username: drug_center

About me

When taken as prescribed, the short-term effects of Xanax are beneficial to many individuals. Although it isn't known exactly how Xanax works, it causes a depression of the central nervous system depressants to cause calming and drowsy effects. Suddenly stopping Xanax or suddenly decreasing the dose significantly can lead to withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms could be life-threatening. The risk of withdrawal should always be considered before stopping or decreasing Xanax use, especially in those who've taken a benzodiazepine for any considerable length of time. Individuals should not stop or decrease their benzodiazepine use without consulting a medical provider.


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