Recording a user session on a site : 0xbt
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Recording a user session on a site

    Asked by Judson Answers (2)

    In order to bring my site to the TOP of search engines, I decided to find a way to record the user's session on my site. To track what attracts visitors the most, where they go most often, what they read and what buttons they click. Do you know what programs work with session recording?

    Answers (2)

      • John90
        By John90

        I highly recommend using this technology. To properly edit your site and increase its traffic, you need to simplify it for users. To do this, you can just see if it is convenient for the user to navigate on your site.

        • Miller90
          By Miller90

          You can actually get your site to the top in various ways. You can promote the site by advertising it on various platforms. Or you can just see what is more important to users on your site.