In the world of New World, the Public Test Realm (PTR) plays a vital role in shaping the game's content and improving the player experience. The developers at Amazon Games rely heavily on feedback from the community to refine and optimize their...
In October 2022, New World received the Brimstone Sands update that aimed to solve a significant number of problems players were complaining about. In addition, the shining star of the release was the introduction of the Brimstone Sands Zone, one of...
If you're a newcomer to the world of Valorant, you might have noticed that you're only able to play with a limited number of agents. Initially, only five agents are made available to players. Therefore, it's essential to understand how to unlock...
Riot Games recently discussed their philosophy regarding smurf accounts and the difficulty of climbing the ladder intentionally. However, there is a simple change that could improve the League of Legends ranked ladder for everyone.
Riot's official...